Sunday, February 11, 2007


Alright - about 3 hours and 20 minutes to go. Just got back from a dog walk and provisioning trip. We have obtained the requisite quantities of spicy chicken wings and blue cheese dressing. I've already got enough scotch because I just don't go through it that fast. I'm thinking of putting together a likely list of blog victims who can be battered with bulletins from the MQMurphy Grammy Blab Headquarters. If people are shunning me in the community and email-o-sphere in the next couple of days, I'll know why.


Anonymous said...

Wish we wuz there. F is on a mission. - she MUST see the original Wuthering Heights. I spent 90 minutes running from pillar (Target) to post (Borders) trying the find the damn DVD. I can buy her a complete collection of !Ronald Reagan! "classics" but cannot find an Academy Award® winner starring Sir Lawrence Olivier.
Sad commentary on the state of the unionverse.

So now, she is off to (feelin' poorly) D's place to pick up her VHS copy and I am semi doghoused for not actively wanting to go. Willin', but not wantin'.

BUT, her piano recital was another smashing success. 50 some piano kids and parents in my house on Saturday, applauding everything from a...creatively...syncopated Puff the Magic Dragon to truly fine renditions of Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring and rOOT-bEER rAG. CAPSLOK!

Anonymous said...

Shite! I forgot the 55 gallon drum of Dewar's languishing in the closet-sorry-it will be even older next year, and even sharper, unlike the rest of us..............