Saturday, January 30, 2010

Ticket to the Grammys

(Image found at

Last year I started writing a song called "Ticket to the Grammys" - even had a little video for it kind of worked out in my head. For now, this is as close as I get to all that wonderful ballyhoo.
I'll be doing my usual Dewar's® and wings thing tomorrow night - last year a couple of hardy souls waded through the clik'n'clak and figured out how to post responses. Made the endeavor a bit less pathetic for me. I'd love to have online company from anyone else for whom the Grammys is a near religious event. But please don't think that I'm without a healthy chaser of cynicism and heresy - we'll trash the proceedings until one of those rare magical moments occurs. Then we'll all just go "yeahhhhh - that was cool!" See you there.

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