Sunday, February 10, 2008


Herbie likes you, buddy. Neil is talking more - is this the 'dead now' segment? Zawinul? Yikes. Hilly Kristal? Don Ho?
Porter (Cable) Waggoner? Tommy Makem and John Stewart? Ike? Oscar Peterson and Luciano?
Here's the Josh Groban/Andrea Bocelli moment. I'm 'Groban-deprived', I guess. Fabi says " I don't know why women love this shit - they do, though."


Mary said...

bring back Amy!

Mary said...

I will check the posts tomorrow, I can't bring my computer in bed while I watch TV.

I can't believe I missed the spot where Nancy Sinatra did "these boots are made for walking" I vote for that voice as the worst of the last century. Song's great though! I even like the Jessica Simpson version better