Sunday, February 11, 2007

Pre game show

Well, my multimedia fiends - uh, friends - while we wait for the main event, you should check out 60 Minutes on CBS. They are going to have an interview with Nora Jones about her sweep of the awards a few years ago. Like her or not, it was an amazing debut. I still like to listen to some of those songs - I thought the production on that album was spare and restrained. Ah - that magic word, RESTRAINT.


Anonymous said...

I am too lazt to undock the lapper, so i will be going offline shortly. Heathcliff and Cathy are futzing about victorianly downstairs, so i guess it is further down to the unfinished basement/dungeon/studio for me.

Looki9ng forward-ish to the chili peppers, less so to the rap artistry.

suckling pig mce said...

I am sooo impatient. Can't stand not to see the next blog comment. Ah well. Off and down I go. Check in on the next bathroom break (as skipper knows, they may be frequent and they may be many, altho I am winning that particular contest thus far...